Summers Nurseries

Where Little Dreams Start

St Swithin Street Notice Board


Week 1

Days of the week am/pm

Snacks provided

Monday AM

Wholemeal toast

Monday PM

Breadsticks and dip

Tuesday AM

Melba toast and cold meat

Tuesday PM

Wheat biscuit

Wednesday AM

Breakfast muffins

Wednesday PM

Rice cake and spread

Thursday AM

Homemade banana pancakes

Thursday PM

Tuna Pate with Crackers

Friday AM

Yogurt and fruit

Friday PM

Pom bears

Week 2

Days of the week am/pm

Snacks provided

Monday AM


Monday PM

Snack a jacks

Tuesday AM

Cereal with Yoghurt

Tuesday PM

Oatcakes and pate

Wednesday AM

Wheat biscuit

Wednesday PM

Thins and dip

Thursday AM


Thursday PM

Cheese scones

Friday AM

Pitta bread and meat

Friday PM

Crackers and cheese

Week 3

Days of the week am/pm

Snacks provided

Monday AM

Toast and sardines

Monday PM

Wholemeal biscuit

Tuesday AM

Breakfast muffins

Tuesday PM

Fruit loaf

Wednesday AM


Wednesday PM

Rice cake and Philadelphia

Thursday AM

Cheese straws and vegetable sticks

Thursday PM

Thins and cold meat

Friday AM

Toasted Teacakes

Friday PM

Pitta bread and spread

Week 4

Days of the week am/pm

Snacks provided

Monday AM


Monday PM

Breadsticks and dip

Tuesday AM


Tuesday PM

Cracker bread and cold meat

Wednesday AM


Wednesday PM

Banana cupcakes

Thursday AM


Thursday PM

Melba toast and Philadelphia

Friday AM

Wholemeal Toast

Friday PM

Snack a jacks

Week 5

Days of the week am/pm

Snacks provided

Monday AM

Breakfast muffins

Monday PM

Homemade pizza toast

Tuesday AM


Tuesday PM

Oatcakes and cheese

Wednesday AM

Yogurt and fruit

Wednesday PM

Homemade pancakes

Thursday AM


Thursday PM

Breadsticks, humous and cucumber

Friday AM

Banana on toast

Friday PM

Ryvita thins with dip

Added: 21 Aug 2023 Updated: 12 Oct 2023